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Will A Lawn Sweeper Pick Up Walnuts, Acorns, and Apples?

You probably have a lot of walnuts on your grass, and now you are wondering if a lawn sweeper will pick up walnuts.

Most people get a lawn sweeper to eliminate debris littering their precious lawn. Nobody wants trash on their grass, especially when you love it neat.

When you have a lot of walnut trees around your house or in your yard, you will get tired of picking these little bastards every time. If you have a good amount of squirrels in your area, you shouldn’t worry about walnuts on your lawn, as these critters will take care of them.

Will a lawn sweeper pick up walnuts?

No, a lawn sweeper cannot pick up walnuts. They are too big for the lawn sweeper to gather. Lawn sweepers can pick up leaves, small nuts, and twigs but won’t pick up walnuts.

Also, lawn vacuums would not work since they are meant for leaves and lightweight debris. Find the best way to get walnuts off your lawn in the next section.

Lawn vacuum sweeper

The Best way to pick up Walnuts

The best way to pick up walnuts depends on your resources (time & money) and the number of walnuts to be picked. If you have a lot of cash to burn, you can purchase a nut bagger or nut harvester, this will save you a lot of time, but they are expensive for the average Joe.

If you have the time or want to cut costs, you handpick the walnuts while gathering them in a basket, or you can get a rake and gather them in a wheelbarrow.

Handpicking walnuts is a waste of time when you have a lot of walnut trees on your land (say 20-100 trees) unless your entire family is helping with the picking. The last way to eliminate walnuts is to hire chipmunks; jk.

Can you mow over walnuts?

No, don’t try to mow over walnuts. Pick up the walnuts before mowing your grass, as the walnuts can damage the blades of your lawnmower.

Mowing over walnuts may also affect your lawn negatively, even though the grass will survive after mowing. The best thing to do is to rake the walnuts before mowing the lawn.

You can mow over walnuts only if you set the mower blade above 3 inches and don’t mind it getting dull. Not everyone has the time to sharpen their mower blades regularly.

Will a lawn sweeper pick up acorns?

A lawn sweeper can pick up acorns, twigs, and pine cones. The sweeper is most effective for picking up acorns on your lawn when the grass is short.

After gathering the acorns, you can dispose of them and use them as food or for your craft projects.


Leaving acorns on your lawn can cause many problems you don’t want. The acorns will attract squirrels and other rodents to your lawn; these animals may annoy the hell out of you.

The acorns may germinate and, if left there, grow to become trees, increasing the number of acorns littering your lawn. Lots of acorns lying around on your lawn will affect the growth of your grass since grass can’t grow through them, causing holes in your lawn.

When acorns decompose, they increase the acidity of the soil though it doesn’t affect it to the extent that will negatively impact the health of your grass.

Will a lawn sweeper pick up apples?

A lawn sweeper cannot pick up apples as they are too large for the brush to handle. I can’t bear the stench of rotten apples, and the fact that they attract bees (those little devils) annoys me.

Those apples on your lawn will also attract deer and woodchucks, as they love the taste of the fruit.

If you don’t want them on your lawn, rake those apples and dispose of them. You can also select not rotten ones and make cider or donate them to animal reserves near you.

Can you mow over apples?

You can mow over apples, but you may need to pick them up before mowing if the apples are too much. If you think raking is too hard, rent a golf ball collector to gather the apples before mowing your lawn.

In conclusion, a lawn sweeper can pick up acorns, leaves, and twigs but not apples or walnuts. You can get a landscape rake that can be had-eld or attached to a riding mower, depending on which you’re comfortable with.

Ultimately, how you get rid of walnuts, acorns, apples, or pine cones on your lawn depends on your budget, time, and the amount of this debris on your lawn.

If you are tired of having things on your lawn, it might be the right time to get a chainsaw. Cut down the tree, and you won’t have to pick them up again.

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